Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Sweet Sweet Calypso

Calypso music is captivating in many ways. Some calypso greats credit this nature of the art form to their developed love for the unique style of music.

Dave Martins, singer/songwriter, and Guyanese icon said, “Every music is distinctive in its own way." Reggae, Zouk, Dancehall, and Soca are no different. He also believes, however, that humor sets calypso apart from all other popular music.

In his view, this humorous culture, of Calypso, has led him to gravitate to it in the first place. He also said that calypso is amazing because it explores any issues in society.

Calypso song can even be formed from burning house or someone finding a thief. More particularly, he said that there are songs about ships sinking in Guyana and the ‘weed song’ [Bill Rogers]. These he believes exemplifies the versatile nature of the art form.

In addition, another local singer who fancies the calypso genre of music has similar views.
According to Roger Hinds known as ‘Young Bill Rogers’ said, “… for me calypso is a way of keeping my father’s legacy alive.” For Hinds, he wants to keep calypso running in the family as did his father, Augustus Hinds called Bill Rogers.

According to the icon he holds calypso close to his heart—that is what calypso means to him.
Hinds, too endorses the thoughts of Martins, in that the humor in Calypso is the key selling point—it drew him to the art form.

“I love calypso to the extent that I want to educate the younger generation and preserve the life of the art form,” said Hinds.

Though both men have earned notoriety locally and internationally, the true reward for them comes from the masterpieces they have coined—not the economic benefits it has brought them.    

Related Links

An extra-ordinary Guyanese… Augustus Hinds, a.ka.‘Bill Rogers’ – is Guyana’s first international recording artiste

The man, the personality, the icon

Calypso Statistics

 A poll was conducted on Facebook, a social media website. The group poll shows that the participants are familiar with the calypso art form. However, based on the respondents proportion there are not fans of same.

None-respondents are being treated as no for the sake of this poll. Moreover, by viewing the poll it does not necessarily mean they participated.

A total of 20 people viewed the question, "Do you know what is calypso music?" From the viewers, only three persons  indicated yes, while he other 17 were recorded as no. It must be noted that these no's were all none-respondents.

From this we see a trend of calypso being familiar to the participants, however, the majority ignored the question.

When asked if they like calypso music, though all three persons who responded indicated yes, there were a total of 17 viewers; 14 counted as no as they didn’t respond after viewing. This mirrors the response pattern of the first question.

Moreover, only five persons indicated they knew who won the Calypso Monarch 2018. Two persons indicated yes, while three clicked no. However, since 20 persons viewed the poll, 17 no’s were recorded.

Based on the poll it is clear that calypso is not necessarily a dying art form but it just one which sits silently in the background of the musical arena of Guyana. As such persons are incline to ignore the ‘hidden-from-eyes’ calypso music.

We have notice that persons were reluctant to participate in the poll, which is an indicator of their response to the popularity of this genre.
